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70 folks gathered on Friday evening.  Great fun reconnecting with everyone.  Pictures (by Joel Perlish, of course) will be available shortly.  Thanks to Michael DeLaurentis for all his hard work puting this together.  Also a big thank you to Dan and Judy Wagner Sherry for hosting the Thursday open house.  It was a great way to kick off the weekend.  


Dan and Judy want to give big shout outs to the following for assistance with their open house:

Sending a big shout-out and thank you to energetic classmates, spouses, and others that provided invaluable help and lasting memories on Thursday evening.

First and foremost, to the amazing co-chair, Sue Gregory Frazier!  Who knew a fourth-grade friendship would last almost 70 years?

Ted Erfer – Incredible wine contributions; website publicity

Rich Frazier – Generous liquor donations

Bill Cantwell – Fantastic musical talent, singing & piano playing 

Carl Everett – Getting the party started 30 minutes ahead of time 

Roy Jacobs – Cookies, including Chips Ahoy Original 

Joel Perlish – Ice & photos

June Vandegrift Bell – Watermelon, celery & much more

Bobbie Hartman Fisher – Watermelon & lots of other stuff

Diane and Bill Marimow - Appetizer

John Klingman – Great ideas 

Rita Calvy Tobin (arriving just in time to do the dishes) – Clean up!

Mike DeLaurentis – Positivity and getting the weekend off the ground

Ants – Comic relief

Attendees – Enthusiastic participation


Sad News 

Sorry to report the passing of Jeff Carter on March 5.  He had been in ill health for several months. No other details yet.  Our sympathy goes out to his wife, Rosalind and his son Ben.



No "general" message for a long time.  Sadly, a few deaths to report and also birthdays during 2023.  Well, time to ask everyone to take a few minutes to please, please update your profile. Some profiles are 10 years old.  Surely, you have something to report in all those years.  Maybe a grandchild, a relocation, a retirement, some recent pictures. Let us know.

Thanks to all who have supported this site with donations - they are greatly appreciated.  It isn't an expensive undertaking but any contribution is welcome.  We can also use these funds for a reunion. The funds are mainly used to keep our subscription to the platform on which we run and also for purchasing the domain name. 

Also - I can use some old pictures to liven up our home page.  Forward some to me.



Our site homepage has been "hit" 156,027 times.

Our Site 

Welcome to the Haverford Senior High Class Of 1965 web site.  Back in October of 2010 we had our 45th  reunion. We just held an amazing 50th reunion. I don't know what is next. In the meantime, we will be looking for "lost" classmates and allowing us all to interact through this site.

Please email or contact your friends and tell them to sign on.  We are trying to build our list. Also, please fill in your profiles and upload some pictures.  I get the statistics for activity on the site and it seems that most of us are reading the profiles and are re-connecting with long, lost friends.  I am also looking for some old pictures - even as far back as 1-6 grade class pictures.  Feel free to contact me if you have some or if you have any questions about the site.

Ted Erfer  


HHS 65 Facebook Group

Please join us on Facebook.  The class group is HHS65.  Here is the direct link:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/107660325987486.  We have more "current" postings over on Facebook - especially birthday greetings.  



Pictures of the day

Oakmont School - Sixth Grade - 1959 and the whole 6th grade.

Thanks to Marianne Portelli D'Elia for posting this on our Facebook page.  And a huge shout out to Hugh Johnston for knowing who everyone is/was. Starting from the front row left:  Rick Chalmers (deceased), Allan Schatzell, Sally Reiss, Bob Thompson; Edie Campbell (deceased), Marianne Portelli, Bill Hutchinson; Don Fries, David Younger, Dorothy Inverso, Bob Wexler; Chris Seiss, Sara Bent, Aileen Heathman, Hugh Johnston; Leslie Small, Ann Kolson, Karen Perry; David Allen, Randy Clouser (deceased), Barbara Cram; Bill Murray, Carol Dornseif; Francis Philip Xavier Murphy. 

A bunch of these folks didn't graduate with us - most likely moved to another school for Jr. High.  We lost touch with a few of them - if you know their whereabouts, please let us know or contact them and ask them to join and catch up.

Thanks to Judy Wagner Sherry for the picture of the whole class. 

Feel free to comment on pictures in the User Forum Section


Picture of the Day


Support our site! If you would like to support this web site please click the Donate button below. Donations can be made by PayPal, or with a regular credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.  Please use the "Contact Us" tab if you want to send a check.  

The site will remain free to all; however there are costs involved with the hosting, etc.  Any donations above the cost of the site will be used to defray future activities.



Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!